We work in Africa to support practical evidence-informed actions to end hunger, poverty and inequality.

The Food Security Practice

Food security is an imperative if Africa is to achieve shared prosperity and improved livelihoods.  We collaborate with African countries at different levels to put into action data-driven strategies that enhance food security and nutrition resilience while uplifting the general quality of life. 

Artificial Intelligence

The expanding adoption of artificial intelligence across contexts by countries requires building greater capacity to identify solutions that responsibly meet local needs and conditions. We work to support the development of standards for accountable and inclusive implementation of artificial intelligence.

Good Governance Practice

Good governance and accountable collection, use, and dissemination of data and other forms of evidence for decision-making are critical for sound development policy and implementation. We support open government and accountable use of evidence for decision-making to spur development.

Primary Healthcare

Primary healthcare is essential to realizing universal health coverage across Africa. We work to supports improvements in accountable service delivery and design, implementation and monitoring of innovations to measure performance of primary health care in Africa.

Our Partners

We are grateful for the collaboration and support of our partners over the years who have helped us bring our vision to life.

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