Data Capacity Support

The Data Capacity Support Programme is part of our interventions to support better and responsive government. Accessible, current and shareable data for decision making is critical for the achievement of a county’s development agenda. Gender disaggregated data in particular is critical to achieving gender equality and the ambitions captured in the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. While the data can exist at the departmental level, it is enriched exponentially when it is well disaggregated and interoperable with data from other departments and agencies. 

Appropriately disaggregated data that can be connected with data from other units and departments making it possible for decision makers to identify inequalities, reduce risks from siloed policy decisions and monitor progress in delivery of the CIDP. Achieving this level of data interoperability and data availability requires a good understanding of where the needs are, what the data gaps are and which capacities are most needed across departments and units. 

The Data Capacity Support Programme is helping counties improve data capacity for decision-making and address the challenges of interdepartmental data exchange and interoperability across departments.

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